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Navigating our culture and behaviour interview

12 October 20235 minute read

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Bolayo Obebe, Senior Engineering Manager at NatWest Boxed

At NatWest Boxed we have core company values that not only allow us to achieve great things for our customers but also allow us to celebrate, respect and nurture a fair and inclusive culture for all of our employees. That’s why we want to take a deep dive into our company values to help you prepare for our tech culture and behaviour interview. This blog will offer some interview prep tips and tricks, the likely process you’ll go through and, of course, an overview of our values.

The interview process

After completing your previous technical interviews, you will be invited to a one-hour culture and behaviour interview with Engineering Management and Product Ownership colleagues. This is an opportunity to learn more about your knowledge, experience and skills related to the role and our company's values. Prior to the interview, take time to reflect on specific scenarios and challenges you have experienced in past roles and how these might be related to our values. This could involve highlighting your personal growth, explaining how your career has influenced the person you are today, or discussing complex scenarios you have successfully overcome in the past. During the interview, the interviewers will assess how our culture and values relate to you by exploring your previous work experiences.

Our values

The following values serve as the foundations for the culture we embrace here at NatWest Boxed. We use these as our North Star to not only support our ambitions as a company but also the growth of the individuals we employ here, and so make up a big part of the culture and behaviour interview.

*We walk in our customers' shoes*

We want individuals who can approach the work they do with a creative, open mind so they can understand and support the problems our customers face.

*We are a high-performance organisation*

We encourage everyone to embrace a culture of continuous learning and improvement allowing each individual to take pride in the work they deliver.

*We run a commercially sustainable business*

As we scale as a business we want to ensure we still have a balance between speed and quality. This ensures we are always trying to deliver first-in-class software solutions to our customers.

*We make intelligent risk decisions*

Making timely decisions is a big part of any role here at NatWest Boxed. Ensuring we also understand the business impact of those decisions and actions is crucial to the success of our work.

*We are all here to thrive*

We foster a culture of learning and want everyone to enjoy sharing knowledge and experiences with their colleagues.Our values are at the core of what we do, whether you are applying for an individual contributor or a manager role, so familiarising yourself with these will be beneficial.

Structuring your answers

When it comes to preparing yourself for this interview and reflecting on past work scenarios, we would advise you to keep the STAR method in mind.

Situation – Briefly set the scene so that your interviewer understands the context

Task – What did you need to achieve?

Action – What did you actually do?

Result – What was the outcome?

Taking this method into consideration should help you in structuring your answers.

Final tips

The tech culture and behaviour interview is also a great opportunity to meet some of our Engineering Management and Product team, so make sure you bring along a few questions to ask them at the end about the team, training and development, or whatever is important to you. This interview is also a way for you to assess if our values are a good fit for you and align with the way you work. You should now have a solid understanding of how the culture and behaviour interview works.

Good luck with your interview! Make sure you check our open roles here and set up job alerts for future opportunities.


Bolayo Obebe, Senior Engineering Manager at NatWest Boxed

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